The Future of Wearable Technology | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios
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As computing moves from our desktops to our phones, we look into the future to see how technology will become increasingly ingrained in our movements and our active lives. From the Nike Fuelband to Google Glass, consumers are already seeing hints of the future of wearable devices. They have the possibility to make us more knowledgeable about ourselves and our surroundings, and connect us with each other in an uninterrupted, more intimate way. From DIY wearables to high-tech sensors and smart fabrics, the years ahead will show how integrated technology can impact our lives for the better.
Sandy Pentland, MIT
Sabine Seymour, Parsons
Steven Dean, G51Studio
Becky Stern, Adafruit
Paloma – “To Be Alone” – http://soundcloud.com/palomasmusic/paloma-to-be-alone
CMA Music – “Timeless” – http://soundcloud.com/ezx-dubstep/cma-timeless-full-version
Yusuke Tsutsumi – “Birds Flying In The Dark” – http://dimoutworks.bandcamp.com/track/birds-flying-in-the-dark
Kasbo – “Solitude” – http://soundcloud.com/k-sbo/solitude-k-sbo
The Lights Galaxia – “While She Sleeps (Morning Edit)” – http://freemusicarchive.org/music/The_Lights_Galaxia/Global_EP/While_She_Sleeps_morning_edit
Doyeq – “Train Travel” – http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Doyeq/Eyelashes_Of_Lanterns/pass003_-_04_doyeq_-_train_travel
Alex Niubo – “Kalimba Song” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAaFv5t3duY
More Off Book:
Is Photoshop Remixing the World?
Can Hackers be Heroes?
The Rise of Webcomics
Will 3D Printing Change The World?
Our video on The Art of Illustration
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Produced by Kornhaber Brown: http://www.kornhaberbrown.com
As usual Augmented reality is becoming jewelry.
Tracking you down the NWO!!!! These people don’t see that even with people and seeing TV and texing they cant Focus!!!!
To the point u can’t actually still shots or take video with your google glazz like u usually see it with your eyes, e g without movin ur head from side to side but just moving your eyes so that can catch a sight of what’s goin on at the left/right side
George are you a technophobe? What if this technology was used as part of larger-based encoded identification system to ID children who are kidnapped, in the woods, the police can’t see them but the can remotely activate a light-based system…IR even, to light them up. Would THAT change your mind?
Very interesting video. What a shame the "background" music was soooo annoying and loud!
wow amazing wearable technology
awesome ideal. toilet paper that tells you how dirty your ass is! lol.
Всем привет из СИНГАПУРА!!!!!
Hey, FAULTLESS, I will totes sub your channel if you do a music video using cool LED costumes shown in this video.
We will (be) to dominate it?
Does the person that makes the wearable LED stuff have a YouTube channel? If so, what’s the username?
Think Cookie from Ned’s Declassified. The ladies loove the tech-integrated fluffy coat 🧥
I’m what’s wrong with society ? Bitch, please.
You are what’s wrong with society. Change your attitude.
I think wearable technology developers must take a leaf from the tron legacy movie and other sci-fi theme movies and animes.
Imagine a pair of contact lense screens connected to a phone or some other small digital device that you can control with hand movements and voice commands.
All wireless.
I would say surgicly implanted screen, or brain implant connected to the right parts of your brain, but those are waaaaaaaaay far off into the future.
I’d be happy either way, because if one of them were real, I could finally have my own HUD.
I had a dream that I had an AR device over my eye: It was so cool.
Wearable technology should focus on makind exosuits, for instance what the characters in tron legacy wear, or iron mans inner suit before putting on the armor, if designers can create something like those thats when it would take off, but good idea for the moment. http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=ms-android-h3g-gb&hl=en-GB&v=133247963&biw=320&bih=233&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=ojv_UqmAK5GM7Ab0-YGwBA&q=agent+bishop&oq=agent+bishop&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..0l2j0i5l3.17361.25473.0.27695.
now some wearible tech can be pointless like google glasses seems like it wouldent help socitey or make a big change socitey that much plus there are many concerns but that jacket which acts like an indicator seems relly useful as it makes life easier for drivers and bikers it could prevent crashes in the road becuse some bikers have to do hand signals if they dont have an direction light meaning they have to take one hand of the controls which may cause an accident and can help ppl that type of tech im up for but for tech to be made so ppl can go on thier facebook faster or take pics faster seems pointless
I like the idea, anything to brighten up this world lol
….this fuckin channel…loves it
I dont think this video is informative ! Or maybe the title should be changed! Wsted
Yeah, that dude is an idiot. It only makes sense to incorporate high technology into clothing!
Amazing how the ‘only problem’ in this world seems to be how we can best integrate a computer into our arses. No, there’s absolutely nothing else of importance we can invest in, but this. Well done people
Very soon, the world of Kill La Kill will be a reality
Do we need wearable technology, no. Only dicks and nerds with no social skills would wear it.
Missed an awesome opportunity to talk about Durex Fundawear project by HAVAS in Sydney
Wearable technology should focus on makind exosuits, for instance what the characters in tron legacy wear, or iron mans inner suit before putting on the armor, if designers can create something like those thats when it would take off, but good idea for the moment. http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=ms-android-h3g-gb&hl=en-GB&v=133247963&biw=320&bih=233&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=ojv_UqmAK5GM7Ab0-YGwBA&q=agent+bishop&oq=agent+bishop&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..0l2j0i5l3.17361.25473.0.27695.
whats wrong with the like/dislike bars?
in my new nanobot infused genetically engineered android body
oh god I can see the futureversion of yolo swag douches with their fitted caps, they’ll all be walking glowsticks
Okay. I’m aggravated. My friend resides on the floor above me. I’m annoyed because he as of late turned outstanding at obtaining a lot of women. The guy discovered the Master Attraction website (Google it) by Jake Ayres. Now I hear him bringing women back. He’s constantly pulling the ladies back and I hear it. It’s nasty and If only he never found that site. My closest friend is getting laid now too coz of that site.
Their channel is great, it’s Adafruit Industries. (youtube dot com/users/adafruit). Tons of cool projects & info.
They are building them right now. Maybe they will unveil them when they are past their prototypes.
Our society is a cyborg.
Great analysis, thank you! I have a quick question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
Electronics 4 gurls, almost unusable unlike wearable moto/jumper or night vision
I sell everything in this site, like I made sound active headphones a year ago and learning is the core of this new stuff,
So if any one wants, just add me, ill help with finding anything u want
They have the tutorials at their channel, Adafruit Industries. Or search for Flora Brake Light Adafruit on YT.
Danger it would draw a lightning to you
I think wearable technology developers must take a leaf from the tron legacy movie and other sci-fi theme movies and animes. Technology vendors will jumping in the market when it kicks off.
I think wearable technology developers must take a leaf from the tron legacy movie and other sci-fi theme movies and animes. Technology vendors will jumping in the markey when it kicks off.
Your narrative is captivating; it echoes a book that was equally engrossing. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint
So why aren’t there jogging suits that keep track of your electrolytes or pulse or footsteps, or eyeglasses with HUD that show object distance, air temp, maybe even your own movement speed?
I’m displeased. My brother sleeps in the opposite room and he just turned really good at picking up ladies. The guy went to the Master Attraction web page (Google it) by Jake Ayres. All he’s doing now is fucking women. He’s continually getting girls back. I hear it, which is gross. I wish he had not found that site. I am jealous!
Dude, you’re from Sweden and you’ve never seen fashion shoots? The women posing with flickering gowns and looking like mannequins are getting paid to do that – it’s a weird fashion thing. And it was a woman making clothes that motorcyclists and parkour junkies were using – she’s empowering both women and men to express themselves with their clothing. I particularly liked the puppy collar!
I am surprised by the sterotyped men and women in this, in other aspects interesting, video. Men do sports, women wear beautiful dresses, or worse, are locked up in a strange installation-look a like room. What century were the people doing this video born in?
Eva Regårdh, Sweden