Genius Space Saving Ideas and Secret Storages -Smart Furniture ▶3

Genius Space Saving Ideas and Secret Storages -Smart Furniture ▶3

Maximize Your Space with These Genius Space Saving Ideas and Secret Storages–Smart Furniture
In This Video, You Will See:
Modern sofa beds By Mobili Di Lillo

Spears furnishing Furniture

Space saving designs by Camilo Calle

Folding paper Bench by IHpaper kraft paper furniture

space saving designs by Camilo Calle

Murphy bed/folding desk by Lenart Meble

Space-saving furniture by Expand Furniture

Velar Functional Bed By Karyolachi

COOMO Custom Made Furniture

Beam-It-Up Smart Storage System by Dolle Group

Simoni Arreda Furniture Design

Floating bed by Muellermoebel


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  1. Tout est vraiment super !!! Mais on ne connaît ni le prix ni les sites de revente 😢😢😢 Dommage …

  2. I have a tiny home looked into this stuff it is super ridiculously over priced, like it would cost four to five times more than just a normal item. In the end just made do with a lot less furniture.

  3. 캬. 그런데 이것도 중국이 또 후발주자로 뺏을거 생각하면,
    약간 미안합니다. 아무튼 이케아가 망하고,
    중국이랑 여러분은 돈 많이버시기를.

  4. Why do these things always include at least one piece of furniture in the thumbnail that you DON’T show? I seriously wanted to see whatever that was the looked like a pod hotel bed with a door.

  5. 와 훌륭하다 부동산 투기꾼 녀석이 똥을 싸놔도,
    여기서 많이 치워주는 느낌 멋있음.

  6. i bet u’ll someday find yourself using only one form of converting furniture
    cus u’ll feel annoying converting the furniture someday

  7. Смотрела и плакала, так жалко себя стало, что такого никогда не будет у нас.😂

  8. What the hell is with the video thumbnail? The left side looks like a cross between a bunk bed and a REFRIGERATOR. 🤨

  9. The narrator does known how to properly pronounce Camilo of Camilo Design. It’s (Ka-me-lo) not (Ka-mel-lo).

  10. Anyone who can afford these, don’t need them because by implication they can also afford a bigger house and have more space so these are unnecessary. They are all very nice tho

  11. Очень гениально! Кто придумал эту модульную мебель?
    Очень, очень практично и продуманно. Молодцы, спасибо!
    Практичная и полноценная модульная мебель!
    С удовольствием купил бы себе такую!
    Удобна для небольших помещений!

  12. Oh I LIKE the couch that swivels so that you can face each other. Especially if you had this in a small sunroom or something, and bringing in extra chairs would feel awkward and cramped.

  13. 1:42 эти столы до сих пор есть во многих семьях в России, а появились они ещё в советское время 👍🏻

  14. If i had small room/houses+ small money, ill have a single mattress and boxes for clothes and bunch of instant foods

  15. I dont understand why the furniture firms think, people without money for a bigger home have money for very expensive couch

  16. It’s funny, I used to want PRIMARY furniture like this, but later realized just how much extra effort would go into reconfiguring it every time you want to use it.

    But now I see the real benefit: SECONDARY furniture.

    It’s helpful when there are two pieces of furniture you need, but one of them is needed only on specific occasions.

    i.e. if you primarily eat at a small table (like one of those little circular high-top tables) but occasionally need to be able to seat guests, that coffee table that unfolds into a dinner table could be perfect if you don’t have a good spot to store one of those plastic folding tables where it won’t be visible or interfere with your closet space.

    Plus stuff like that unfolding coat and shoe rack are things that you could potentially BUILD with a bit of carpentry skill, customized for whatever size fits your entryway.

    Is it niche? Sure. But just knowing that this sort of thing EXISTS is really helpful. Thanks for the video.

  17. 💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕💞🩷💕

  18. С этими студиями совсем с ума сошли, раскладной столик с ноутом приравнивают к рабочему месту где должен стоять нормальный ПК с ящиками для творчества, нормальную кровать в раскладные "приветыпозвоночнику" самое главное, чтобы ты не задумался, почему на той усадьбе им не приходится так выкручиваться, у них сто комнат на двоих и к той реке ты не пройдешь- это их угодья. Да и не каждый работяга потянет эти все новинки мебели, скорее хватит на самую дешёвую лежанку из Икеи

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